Connection is your birthright; it does not come from someone else. My whole intention is to be of service. During this phase of my learning, the spirits fed me ideas so fast I had to use a tape recorder to keep up with the information. I no longer see the disciplines as separate, just as I no longer see myself as separate from anything or anyone else. Hopefully something in this book will add to your own quality of life. As you read, please keep in mind that I endorse no particular way to do things; I merely propose methodologies that work.
.I have found that walking the spiritual path takes willingness, dedication and love. Journeying is like any new skill; the more I practice the better I become. The spirits have been my greatest teachers and my most beloved friends. The circle, the hoop, and the medicine wheel I have learned to love and honor, from indigenous teachings, has brought me back to the beginning. There are many ways to contact Spirit or God. I now understand all of my studies to be one studythe art and science of universal consciousness.
I choose to be very connected LGMS KICKER CLIP-C to the spirits, and they have asked that I pass along my teachings. Loving Spirit and desiring a relationship with Spirit helps your connection grow and develop. I now understand science and nature from the wisdom of spirituality.
I provide personal experiences to illustrate my teachings, and I hope that you can add your own thoughts Drawn Part and experiences to personalize the information. My love for nature brought me to the study of science and ecology, my love for myself led me to psychology and the healing of my past, and my love for God led me to spirituality. "Journey" is the term used to describe the altered state of consciousness obtained in the process of interacting with the spiritual realm. I hold no claim to any of these concepts; I simply explain things the way I understand them to be true. Initially, my spiritual study seemed to move me away from my earlier scientific studies, but ultimately it brought me back full circle. The shamanic style of contacting spirits, healing, and being connected on a spiritual path works well for me and my numerous clients. I do this with great humility and love.
I started my personal quest for understanding through science, which led me to psychology, which led to spirituality.
The ideas I present in this book are alternative and were learned from my interactions with the spiritual realm. I have blended this information with my understanding of science, energy, and psychology. Other information came through working with clients during their soul retrievals (a shamanic form of healing, which I will explain in depth) and counseling sessions. I earned university degrees along the way, and have spent countless hours in workshops and seminars. I have to be willing to risk and try new things as they are presented to me; I have to be dedicated to advancing my skill level. My spirit teachers are as real as my traditional teachers. Each person has as much access to the spiritual realm as any other person. Some of the information came through the process of my own personal journeys, where I was put in what I would call spirit school. After all, if you want to walk the spiritual path, then you need to be working with Spirit